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Sunny Stroll™

  • Offers fun audio, visual and tactile stimulation.
  • Designed for two stages of development: sensory exploration (0m+) and cause and effect learning (5m+), it will keep your baby engaged as they grow.
  • Flexible arch easily adjusts to fit baby’s age and playing preferences, angling towards your baby to bring the toys within reach.
  • Fits most strollers and prams.
  • Arch easily angles towards baby
  • Easy-pull rainbow mirror
  • Rattling beaver ball with crinkly textures
  • Transparent fawn-shaped sun prism
  • Woodpecker rattle.
  • Baby-activated flower propeller spins.
  • Easy-grip textured ring.
  • Adjustable clip easily fits most strollers
  • 0m+
  • Product Dimensions: W-84cm H-15cm D-6cm
  • Adjustable clips fit most strollers.

Tiny Princess Tales™ Collection

This enchanting collection brings little ones’ imagination to life by introducing them to a world in which they can discover and create their own fairytales.

Our designs are based on a proven developmental system
that supports babies’ skills at every age and stage.


The smiling characters, crinkly textures, rattling sounds and other features stimulate baby’s sense of sight, sound and touch.

Motor SkillsMotor Skills

The arch’s adaptability means you can position the toys at the right distance from baby, allowing your little one to bat at the toys and later pull, grasp and roll them, practicing motor skills and eye-hand coordination.


Your baby bats at the dangling toys, learning all about the wonders of cause and effect. Later, baby will learn to pull the propeller and roll the rattling ball to deepen this understanding.

0-2 months

During the first three months, babies need visual stimulation to help them learn to focus their gaze. The stimuli should be placed at an optimal distance (8-12 inches) and should include some movement. Angle the arch to the appropriate distance and let baby enjoy some visual exploration.

2-5 months

As babies grow, the will trying batting the toys and reaching out to the features. Adjust the arch’s distance and let your baby takes the first attempts at playing with the arch’s numerous activities.

5+ months

At this stage, babies’ developing hand-eye coordination allows them to reach out to the toys confidently, hold them and pull them to their mouth for further exploration. The arch supports the development of motor skills, helps baby learn about cause and effect with the fun propeller activity, and stimulates the senses with rattling and crinkly elements.

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