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Thomas Wind Chime

  • Sweet sounding wind chime toy
  • Charming on the go toy that produces sweet sounding audio feedback that stimulates the senses and helps develop fine motor skills.
  • Engaging high-contrast basic colors especially appropriate for young babies.
  • Wind chime
  • Variety of playful soft textures
  • Crinkly fabrics
  • Easy-to-grasp ring
  • 0m+
  • Product Dimensions: W-40cm H13cm D-26cm

Meadow Days™ Collection

This collection brings nature to your nursery with stimulating textures and vibrant colors, and encourages babies to discover the world around them.

Our designs are based on a proven developmental system
that supports babies’ skills at every age and stage.


The gentle audio feedback, clearly defined face and bright colors stimulate baby’s senses and support development.

Motor SkillsMotor Skills

Small enough to take anywhere, this compact toy stimulates your baby to use fingers and hands in a variety of ways, thereby helping your little one develop fine motor skills.

0-2 months

Hold the toy around 10 inches away from your baby’s face and, after baby’s gaze focuses on the toy, slowly move it from side to side.

2-4 months

Make sure you hang the toy within baby’s reach – babies will stretch their hand out to touch the toy, causing it to move and sound the chime.

4-6 months

Baby’s grasp reflex disappears and hand-control improves, allowing your little one to reach out confidently and move the toy to produce the musical feedback.

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