Pregnancy Week-by-Week: Week 25-28
Baby is growing rapidly in your womb and is fully-formed, though still very small and in need of further growth and development.
Baby is growing rapidly in your womb and is fully-formed, though still very small and in need of further growth and development.
Your weight gain is becoming more substantial and everyone can clearly see that you are pregnant. Enjoy this stage and being past early pregnancy symptoms.
Morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms have usually subsided and you may feel energy and relief that the first stage of pregnancy is behind you.
Week 13 of pregnancy marks the move into the long awaited second trimester. You’ve past the tricky first 3 months.
Any advice and information provided in this website is given as suggestions only and should not be taken as a professional medical diagnosis or opinion. We recommend you also consult your healthcare provider, and urge you to contact them immediately if your question is urgent.