Sophisticated Emotional Development
At nine months, baby has already reached an impressive level of emotional development. He has established a strong relation to his caregivers, developed an array of emotional responses and is slowly establishing his independence.
Evolving Relationships with Others
Your baby’s attachment with his caregiver is now firmly established and he relates to him or her with an array of gestures, such as raising his hands up when he wants to be held. The mere presence of the caregiver gives baby the confidence he needs to explore and experience new things. Baby also relates more now to other babies and children, handing toys, sharing, imitating and more. In addition, your baby now begins to understand and interpret others’ feelings. He can recognize concern, pain or joy, and react to these feelings accordingly. This recognition comes with an understanding that he has the power to influence these feelings, for example, by making certain sounds he knows will make people laugh. The characteristics of baby’s initial bonds will shape his attachments with other people for the rest of his life. These relationships help determine his ability to rely on others and be expressive about his emotions.
A Well-developed Emotional Repertoire
Your baby is now equipped with a well-developed emotional repertoire. It is easy to tell if he is happy, sad, frightened or angry and he is even able to regulate and control his feelings. The concepts of permitted and forbidden begin to sink in, and you may find your baby looking over his shoulder to see if he is being watched while doing something he knows he shouldn’t be doing… Baby does not yet understand why something is not allowed, but he checks for a reaction based on his memory of previous attempts.
- Separation anxiety starts between 8 and 9 months and reaches its peak about 12 months.
- Begins to interpret others’ feelings and searches for others’ reactions in order to know how to act in certain situations.
- Expresses increased interest in other babies and children.
- Understands “you may” and “you may not.”
- Asserts independence and may object when you become involved. For example, objects when you try to hold the spoon and insists on feeding herself.
- Encourage your baby to do things independently. Don’t be too quick to solve all her problem, but offer several possible solutions.
- Verbally express the feelings that she may be experiencing. This helps her understand her own feelings.
- In the pre-verbal stage, encourage your baby to express her needs in emotional language – touch, body movement, hand movements, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
- Avoid overprotecting your baby, as it could hinder her expressive development.
- Teach baby that you cannot always guess what she is feeling. This encourages her to express her needs and desires so others can understand.