Johnny's Day of Wonder
in the Meadow
Hi Johnny! I'm Christopher the fox. Let's explore the meadow so you can meet all of my tiny friends!
Here's Thomas the rabbit! He's always running around and jumping in the pond. He's so fast, let's try and catch him together!
There's Marie the hedgehog. She loves searching for ladybugs and ants. Look up! Emilia the bird is flying high in the sky. Listen to the happy songs she sings!
Boo! It's Marco the raccoon! He just loves hiding and surprising all of the meadow friends. I was surprised, how about you?
Johnny, all my friends want to play with you. We can do anything together. What would you like to do today?
Go on a picnic
Go on a picnic...
Let's bring vegetables and fruits from our garden and share them with our tiny friends!