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Support your child’s development with our lovingly created collections,
designed to inspire play and exploration while blending in with your lifestyle

Ages & Stages

Your baby’s next big step starts with our Tiny Products

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Our designs are based on a proven development system
that supports babies’ skills at every age and stage


Our senses allow us to receive information about the world around us and to perceive it from a sensory point of view.


Our ability to control large and small muscles (legs, hands, fingers and more) to move our own bodies and the objects around us.


The mental process through which babies, children, and grownups learn, understand, remember and acquire knowledge.

Garden of Adventures_take along bunny 1

The ability to identify, understand, and categorize emotions, helping babies better understand themselves and those around them.

Garden of Adventures_supermat 8

Communication help us share thoughts and feelings. Language development includes several milestones from babbling to talking.

Tiny Rockers 3-in-1 Stacking Toy 4

Creativity is how we make our imagination real. It helps babies grow into people who can invent, improvise, and think creatively.

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The newborns’ 2 basic emotions are to express something is unpleasant or pleasant.